Friday, October 29, 2010

this didn't really work out...

I'm going to give this another try sometime.
When I started this I thought I'd be able to update from my iPad, turns out that didn't work out. Hence "a little less wisdom" when I was going to write about getting my first wisdom tooth taken out. But my iPad only let me post the title. lol good times.
Off this morning to go write my microbiology midterm. whoot.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

done year 1.

this morning i wrote my nutr 331 final. if all is well as i think it will be...i passed year 1 of nursing! yesss!!! gotta wait on those marks before i celebrate...i think i'm going to try to write a blog everyday for a year. i know it's goofy, like those people that vlog everyday...but it's actually neat to go back and look at the old videos and see how much people change over the year. it might be fun. i need to commit to it though...i don't want to be a person that says "yeah! i'm going to write a blog at least once a day" and in two's over...done i think it will be fun to document my 2nd year of nursing from start to'll be neat to read back on what i learned and did. so it's official. starting TODAY for the next full year i will blog EVERYDAY. and it counts for the day as long as that day's entry is posted by midnight. look out.
- t a n y a
ps. off to work i go tonight first night closing by myself...should be interesting...oh man.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

busy week.

well here goes...i'm going to go to bed and wake up in one of the busiest weeks evar. tomorrow i work 9-5, tues work 9-5, wed i have my nutr 331 final exam then i work 5-1115, thur i am getting a wisdom tooth pulled, friday i work 8-4, sat i work 7-3, and sun i work 430-1115. um ya. crazy. but once that exam is over i'll be able to rest a bit. have a summer break. make some dollars. it'll be sweet. i'm loving the new job too. so awesome.
in other news, i'm disappointed that true blood was not new tonight. i guess it is july 4th...not like that means anything to me because i'm canadian. but it was important because it's sunday and true blood was supposed to be on...grrr.
well 3rd day of far i am quite boring. am i suprised? no haha
oh and stupid edmonton eskimos lost to bc lions today. oh well...didn't care who won. good news is both ray and printers weren't that great. next game riders vs. lions. bring it!
peace off.
-t a n y a

i'm kind of loving this website. because i can win free crap. i'm saving up my bids for tomorrow's prize of two rider retro jerseys. nice. i need them :) so exciting morning. i awoke to the sound of a chain saw in my backyard. no big deal. twas' just my cousin chain sawing down a couple of trees in my backyard. my dad told me i watch too much shit on tv to think it was anything else. lol. anyways, off to work at 2 then hittin' the books studying for nutr 331 for the evening...well until true blood is on...then that will be my study break :) peace off.
- t a n y a

Saturday, July 3, 2010

new. today.

i should be studying. but i'm not right now. i have a final for nutr 331 on wed and i work the next 3 days. i'm pretty brill. go me. actually that reminds me i should check if my marks are up for my assignment and mid term. anyways, just about to go to bed. hopefully i'll get up a bit early tomorrow and get some studying in before i work at 2. blog blog blog. bloggin' that's how i roll. my life in the good ol' saskatchewan. go riders go! xD
-t a n y a